Move the debian container out of the way
Press Ctrl+Alt+T to bring up crosh (Chrome OS Developer Shell)
Copy and paste this in terminal
“ vsh termina ”
“ lxc stop penguin –force ”
“ lxc rename penguin debian ”
Create the Opensuse container
“ lxc launch images:opensuse/tumbleweed penguin ”
Login into to bash terminalen
“ lxc exec penguin — bash ”
Run this so you are updated
“ zypper up ”
Copy and paste this in Opensuse terminal
“ zypper in opi “
Install yast via opi just type: “ opi yast ” and press 1 from list and do that on more time and press 2
Now type in terminal ` opi cros guest tools ` and press 1 and install. I have made it all so its all good!
Now go to YAST and make user for ChromeOs! – this will take time. Just type ` yast ` in terminal and it will start and go to Security and click on User and Group Management and change the password for ChromeOs user (1001) and add a new user (1000). In my case, i give it name hitler to user 1000 and set psswd. Exit yast and you are back in terminal…
Back in terminal type this and set password for root “ passwd root ” add some password. Other root is 100 procent handler. To all shit..
Copy and paste this below to terminal… Change username whit your name: hitler
“ groupadd sudo ”
“ usermod -aG sudo $username ”
“ systemctl unmask systemd-logind ”
“ loginctl enable-linger $username ”
Type: opi nano and press 1 and return in terminal.
Type: “ EDITOR=nano visudo ”
# Uncomment the line that says and sett your self as root:
Final type this in terminal: “ systemctl enable cros-sftp ” for some symlinks
after that just type: “ exit ”
# ^ Go back to terminal
# (termina) chronos@localhost ~ $
Type: “ lxc console penguin ” and press enter then login as normal user. In my case hitler… then passwd…
Copy and paste in console” systemctl –user enable sommelier@0 sommelier-x@0 sommelier@1 sommelier-x@1 cros-garcon pulseaudio ”
Nove we are done =) Please reboot linux….
Tack för att ni tittar Sverige vänner // Mattias Vinberg