Arch – Integrate Arch Linux into Chrome OS – Swedish!
Arch – Integrate Arch Linux into Chrome OS – Swedish!

Arch – Integrate Arch Linux into Chrome OS – Swedish!

How to install Arch on ChromeOS =)

Press Ctrl+Alt+T to bring up crosh (Chrome OS Developer Shell)

Then Type to login..
1. vsh termina
2. lxc stop penguin –force
3. lxc rename penguin debian

Next we will install Arch..
2. Type in termina: lxc launch images:archlinux/current penguin
Creates the LXC container with Arch Linux – This will take some time…..

3. Please type: lxc list
It should show and be started and in list….

4. Enter the container: lxc exec penguin bash
If you see the prompt, you’re now in Arch! – # [root@penguin ~]

5. Create User: useradd -m vinberg
Change vinberg to your name and sett password after create user: passwd vinberg

6. Enable linger for your user
Type: systemctl unmask systemd-logind
and: loginctl enable-linger vinberg

7. Go in visudo and do this via termina: EDITOR=nano visudo
Uncomment the line that says: %wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD ALL

8. Next Type: usermod -aG wheel vinberg
Gives sudo rights to user……

9. See if there’s a network connection: ip -4 a show dev eth0
non-empty output = good… =)

9. Use dhclient to auto-connect eth0 on startup by typing: pacman -Syu dhclient
and put this to in termina: systemctl enable –now dhclient@eth0

10. Type: exit
Go back to termina if you’re still inside Arch

11. Log in as user: lxc exec penguin su – vinberg

12. Optional: Update pacman config. Prefer to:
– uncomment #Color
– uncomment #VerbosePkgLists
– uncomment #ParallelDownloads = 3
Type: sudo nano /etc/pacman.conf and uncomment

13. Installs some packages: sudo pacman -Syu base-devel git curl make neovim wl-clipboard fish

14. This step requires `base-devel`, which was installed in a previous step. If there are errors about fakeroot, try: sudo pacman -Syu base-devel

15. Then its time to install yay: git clone
cd yay
makepkg -si
Then: cd… back to vinberg@arch

16. Install cros-container-guest-tools: yay -S cros-container-guest-tools-git
OBS: Do this 2 times will show error first time..

17. Make sound work: cp -r /etc/skel/.config/pulse ~/.config/pulse

18. Install: yay -S xorg-xwayland

19. Type: exit and go back to termina

20. Type: lxc console penguin
Log in via tty. This has no colours, but it will be necessary to start/enable user services. To detach from the console, press: enter
arch login: vinberg
password: Your pass…

21. Type: systemctl enable cros-sftp
Copy and paste this: systemctl –user enable sommelier@0 sommelier-x@0 sommelier@1 sommelier-x@1 cros-garcon pulseaudio
and then this: systemctl enable –now –user sommelier{,-x}@{0,1}.service

And we are done =) Please restart Linux!

Tack för att du tittat,
Mattias Vinberg

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