How to run Fedora 36 instead of Debian – ChromeOS
How to run Fedora 36 instead of Debian – ChromeOS

How to run Fedora 36 instead of Debian – ChromeOS

Press Ctrl+Alt+T to bring up crosh (Chrome OS Developer Shell)
Move the debian container out of the way

vsh termina
lxc stop penguin --force
lxc rename penguin debian

Create the Fedora container

lxc launch images:fedora/36 penguin

Exec into the container ( as Root )

lxc exec penguin -- bash

Begin to install cros-guest-tools. This will take some time

dnf -y install sudo nano dnf-plugins-core
dnf copr enable leo/cros-guest-tools
dnf -y install cros-guest-tools

Now Create user and sett password (match your Chrome OS username)

useradd $username
passwd $username

Enable sudo for your user:

groupadd sudo
usermod -aG sudo $username

Enable linger for your user

systemctl unmask systemd-logind
loginctl enable-linger $username

Now Enable integration services

systemctl enable cros-sftp

Now type this in consol. Uncomment the line that says: # %wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD ALL in visudo. Put your self as root.

EDITOR=nano visudo

Now typ exit and go back to (termina) chronos@localhost ~ $ and type: lxc console penguin
Press Enter and login as user not root. It will ask for password. And type this below.

 systemctl --user enable sommelier@0 sommelier-x@0 sommelier@1 sommelier-x@1 cros-garcon

We are done =) Restart Linux – Dont forgett to delete debian via chronos@localhost. lxc list then lxc delete debian.

Tack för att ni kollade,
Mattias Vinberg